Monday, March 29, 2010

Horoscope Matches

Understanding the matching between different signs requires a basic knowledge of the elements in astrology. There are four elements;
Fire, Earth, Air and Water – there are three zodiac signs in each element, they are:
  • FIRE signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius .

  • Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn .

  • AIR signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius .

  • WATER signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

The most advantageous blend for a sign is with one of the same element: i.e.: fire with fire, earth with earth, Air with Air and Water with water. However, a complementary match is the next choice as indicated below

Fire with Air - Fire’s drive and energy burns brightly with air’s intelligent ideas. Meanwhile, fire’s zest for life where combined with air’s playfulness can result in great times together.

Fire with Earth – The combination fire ambition and the organization of earth will often result in material success. However, there can be clashes in the ways both signs go about it.

Fire and Water - There will be hot steamy passion between these two, but some very emotional clashes too.

Earth and Air - There’s a mental meeting point here and these two will respect each other. But earth can feel uncertain with air’s changeability and unreliability, and air can find earth “a stick in the mud”

Earth and Water - water feels supported by the stability and constancy of earth. While earth is nourished by the emotional warmth and caring of water.

Air and Water - with water’s imagination and air’s ideas, these two will have big dreams together. Air’s need for emotional space can make water insecure, and water’s need for closeness and reassurance can crowd air.

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